EZ Pinger
Network Monitoring & Management Tool
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Maximum Output Software's Policy on Information Privacy:

  1. We never make any of the information submitted to us available to anyone outside of our organization.  We do not, and will not, sell copies of our any portion of our databases to anyone, ever.
  2. The information submitted to us is immediately moved to a computer which is not accessible via the Internet. It is not stored on our web server longer than absolutely necessary.
  3. Your credit card information is submitted to us using SSL encryption.  Once we receive it we do not store it longer than the time required by our credit card processor.
  4. Credit card information is never stored in the same database as our orders or mailing list.  

EZ Pinger Privacy Information

We are well-aware of the security issues plaguing the Internet now, and feel that software which reports personal information invades privacy.  EZ Pinger does not connect to any website owned or affiliated with us to upload any information about you, your computer, or your computer usage habits.  EZ Pinger is not spy-ware!

All Site Content © 2006-2008 Maximum Output Software, All Rights Reserved.